Sharing Our Histories

NC Museum of History Lecture Series

As part of a 2021 partnership with The North Carolina Museum of History (NCMoH), Classical American Homes Preservation Trust’s Curator & Director of Collections, Grant Quertermous, presents a series of virtual lectures focused on each of our sites.

Double Parlor of Roper House

The lectures are part of the NCMoH’s “Highballs + History” series of evening programs, providing an entertaining yet informative overview of the architecture, history, collections, and landscape. The lectures also examine current research and ongoing preservation work at each of the sites.

Quertermous’ lectures focus on Edgewater, Millford,  Ayr Mount, and Roper House with a connecting theme on how Richard H. Jenrette, a North Carolina native, preserved each of these amazing properties and how his vision guides us in our continued preservation and study of these sites today.


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Participate in one of our upcoming events.


Roper House Lecture: September 23, 2021
Millford Lecture: July 22, 2021
Edgewater Lecture: May 20, 2021
Ayr Mount Lecture: November 2020