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In 2020, Classical American Homes Preservation Trust entered into a partnership with the Clemson University graduate program in Historic Preservation. This relationship allows students in the program to learn from CAHPT buildings and from its talented staff. At the same time, it ensures that our sites will play an important role in training the new generation of professionals, as they learn firsthand how to examine architecture and care for historic structures.
One of the first products of this partnership is the use of Millford as the subject for Professor Amalia Leifeste’s seminar in writing a Historic Structures Report (HSR). An HSR is a fundamental tool for documenting the history and existing conditions of a building. Through the class, the students learn how to prepare such a report, while CAHPT receives the benefit of a semester’s worth of sustained, careful study of our site. The students have made some important discoveries, including the remarkable use of walnut veneer on the ground floor doors, and a 1910 photo album of Milford in the Williams College Archives and Special Collections.
Another product of this partnership is the establishment of the Jenrette Fellowship in Historic Preservation at the program. CAHPT is proud to have a direct impact on the career of a promising young professional.